Mind360 Hypnotherapy Windsor NSW

about Mind 360 Hypnotherapy

Muna Lupica -
Clinical Hypnotherapist

I'm Muna Lupica, owner of Mind360 Hypnotherapy in New South Wales.

I'm a qualified clinical hypnotherapist, specialising in quit smoking hypnotherapy. I am also a Trauma specialist (PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Grief and Depression) and Ideal Weight Specialist.

I started Mind360 to help people work on Trauma, Weight, Smoking, Phobias, Public Speaking confidence and anything else that you want to change your lives in.

I've personally overcome anxiety through hypnotherapy after spending time and money trying other modalities. After 2 sessions my life changed irrevocably.

This led me to investigate further how people can rewire their brains to over come obstacles and achieve their desires. I've since been trained in the most advanced and comprehensive techniques.
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Academy of Therapeutic Hypnosis
International Institute for Complementary Therapists
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